Season 1 Episode 6: Rory’s Birthday Parties

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“This is your party. You do not work. You lounge and mock those who are. Have I taught you nothing?”

One Sentence Recap:  This year Rory gets two parties for her birthday: one fancy-shmancy soirée gone wrong, and one classic Lorelai blow out.

My Commentary:  It’s Friday night and Emily has asked the girls to roam about the house, putting sticky notes on anything they would like to be left to them in her will.  The girls are significantly weirded out, nevertheless they proceed.  When Rory Continue reading

Season 1 Episode 7: Kiss and Tell

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“I got kissed. And I shoplifted.”

One Sentence Recap:  Rory has her first kiss with Dean, and Lorelai finds out from the town gossip mill.

My Commentary: Fall Festival season has hit Stars Hollow! It’s pumpkins galore in the town square! Luke is being reluctant to decorate the diner with turkeys and orange leaves as per usual, and Lorelai is not wearing any underwear.  This makes for a Continue reading

Season 1 Episode 5: Cinnamon’s Wake

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“Okay, our town is just weird”

“Thank God”

One Sentence Recap:  The next door neighbor’s beloved cat, Cinnamon, dies; meanwhile, both Gilmore Girls move forward with potential romances.

My Commentary:  This week’s Friday Night Dinner topic is Nazis.  Oh what fun! Richard is out of town on business, and Lorelai jokes that Richard is insuring Nazis now, to which Emily replies without skipping a beat “your father doesn’t know any Continue reading

Season 1 Episode 4: The Deer Hunters

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“Violent pencil tossing usually signals a need for pie”

One Sentence Recap:  Rory receives her first D on a paper and goes on a crazy studying kick, bringing Lorelai along for the ride; just when things seem like they’re looking up, Rory gets hit by a deer.

My Commentary:  This episode starts out all fun and games as Rory and Lorelai shop for school supplies.  Lorelai personifies the neon post-it notes while Rory tries to ignore her mother’s silliness and locate the “serious paper.”  But when as soon as we return from Continue reading

Season 1 Episode 3: Kill Me Now

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“Now you look just like Tiger Woods”

One Sentence Recap: Rory needs to learn a sport for school so Richard takes her golfing; meanwhile, Lorelai struggles with the fact that Rory might not share her same resentful feelings towards her parents.

My Commentary: The time has come for Rory to face her fears and learn a sport, in the name of education! Much to Lorelai and Richard’s dismay, Emily Gilmore insists that Rory pick golf, for logical reasons: they have spare clubs and Richard knows the game Continue reading

Season 1 Episode 2: The Lorelais’ First Day at Chilton

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This is the last time I buy anything just because it’s furry.”

One Sentence Recap: Lorelai oversleeps on Rory’s first day at Chilton nearly causing them to be late and, unfortunately, both of their days only go down from there (I did it! Short and sweet).

My Commentary: When this episode opens, Lorelai is painting Rory’s toenails, while they discuss first day jitters.  After all, Rory’s first day at Chilton is tomorrow!  Rory squirts whip cream directly into her mouth, something I now associate with the perfect mother- Continue reading

Season 1 Episode 1: The Pilot

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“I’m gonna be in a Britney Spears video?”

One Sentence Recap: To everyone’s excitement, Rory gets accepted to Chilton, meanwhile Lorelai struggles to find the tuition money and finally turns to her estranged parents; thus, Friday Night Dinners are born. Oh yeah, and Rory meets a boy (Dang! that’s two…maybe next time? ya’ll, these are gonna be run-on sentences let me assure you).

My Commentary:  Ok, this is the one where it all begins.  When we first spot Lorelai she is walking through the town square to the familiar tune of The La’s “There She Goes,” firmly setting the 90’s tone, if her boxy blue coat and ribbed hot pink cardigan Continue reading