About This Blog

It’s 2015. It’s the age of Netflix and Hulu, and Apple TV, and Binge Watching.  For me, and all my other TV lovers out there, this is a blessing, even if I am a proud owner of now irrelevant DVD box sets.  It’s a blessing because now so many people are re-discovering great TV, shows like Gilmore Girls, which hit Netflix Oct 1, 2014.  Twenty-somethings who watched it when it originally aired are re-watching.  Current Teenagers who were still exclusively into Disney when the show was on are discovering it for the first time.  Even moms are watching the show as a way to reconnect with their teenage daughters (i.e. I forced my mom to watch the entire series with me before I left for college).  We are in need of a thoughtful discussion!  Or at the very least, I am in need of an outlet for the plethora of Gilmorisms that are constantly floating around in my head.

This blog is for you, The Reader. So sit back, grab all the junk food you can find, place it within arms reach, and let’s watch.  Here’s how it works: watch an episode, read the corresponding post.  I will be discussing each and every episode in order, highlighting my favorite character moments, plot points, quotes, and very questionable early 2000s fashion statements.  I’ll even be including a guide to all of the obscure pop culture references to save you some head scratching.  But please, PLEASE watch the episode before reading, because *SPOILER ALERT* there will be spoilers.  Now this is a two way street.  I’ll share my thoughts and please feel free to share yours, unless you like Dean better than Jess….Just kidding! All thoughts, even crazy ones, are welcomed and encouraged!

Now let’s do this thing! After all, Gilmore Girls is more than just a show.

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