About Me


Hello all!

My name is Marissa, and I have an encyclopedic knowledge of Gilmore Girls. And Friends…and The Office…and Parenthood…and 30 Rock…and Arrested Development and the list goes on, but I shall spare you the entire catalogue as to not denote my entire existence to “avid couch potato.” I think it all began with Friends, I was eight and didn’t get the jokes, but I LOVED it.  Ever since finishing and re-watching, I have been on the hunt for other shows to fill the void. Fortunately, I found a lot.  But Gilmore Girls is the important one on this site.

In other news, I consider movie theaters a second home and collecting pop-culture-reference t-shirts is a my true passion.  As should come as no surprise by this point in the bio, I plan on being a Screen Arts and Cultures major at the University of Michigan, where I am studying hard now to soon be broke, starving artist!

Oh, and I’m currently trying to make “as if!” happen again. Feel free to join me on this.

Thanks for taking the time to scan some of my spirited ramblings in between twitter checks. Thoughts are taken to be shared, and I’m glad these have been shared with you.

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